TRAINING (2.4.1)
Member of SCNAT

The umbrella organisation of anthropologists in Switzerland represents the interests of the discipline to the general public and the authorities. Its members are mainly composed of experts with a focus on natural science.

Image: LoveIsAFastSong,

Bulletin SGA 2006_2 (n°12_2)

Bulletin SGA 2006_2 (n°12_2)

Bulletin SGA 2012_2

- A. KEMKES, Swiss passport applications as a research tool for migration history: Deciphering motifs from 19th century micro-data

- M. HERMANUSSEN, I. KÜHLI, Adolescent growth in Bronze Age and Iron Age people

- M.-F. CHRISTEN, N. CUENDET, Zahnbefunde der Schädel aus dem früh- bis hochmittelalterlichen Gräberfeld von Oberbüren-.Chilchmatt. bei Büren an der Aarz

- K. HAEBLER, S. ZINTI, G. GRUPE, Lebensbedingungen und Mobilität im frühmittelalterlichen Perlach

- C. COOPER, Expertendialog .Wissenschaftliche Integrität. 20. März 2007 in Bern

- C. PAPAGEORGOPOULOU, Conference Report: VI World Congress on Mummy Studies in Lanzarote


  • Anthropology, Primatology
English, German, Italian, French