TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membre de la SCNAT

L'organisation faîtière des anthropologues en Suisse représente les intérêts de la discipline vis-à-vis du public et des autorités. Ses membres sont principalement des experts à vocation scientifique.

Image : LoveIsAFastSong,

Réunion annuelle et workshop


Report of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2021 in Chur

On Friday, 26 November 2021, the Swiss Society of Anthropology conducted a workshop with the topic "Diachrone Trends in der Anthropologie" ("Diachronic Trends in Anthropology"), followed by the annual meeting

Image : SGA/SSA
Group Picture of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2016

Report of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2016 in Basel

The Annual Meeting of the SGA/SSA was a great success. The day started with the business meeting with important agenda items (including amendments of the statutes). After the business meeting