TRAINING (2.4.1)
Mitglied der SCNAT

Der Dachverband der Anthropologinnen und Anthropologen der Schweiz vertritt die Interessen des Fachs gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit und den Behörden. Seine Mitglieder setzen sich vorwiegend aus naturwissenschaftlich orientierten Fachleuten zusammen.

Bild: LoveIsAFastSong,

Report of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2016 in Basel

The Annual Meeting of the SGA/SSA was a great success. The day started with the business meeting with important agenda items (including amendments of the statutes). After the business meeting Dr. George McGlynn from Munich, Germany presented the excavation of the graveyard from the psychiatric hospital in Hall, Tirol. The day continued with further presentations, including preliminary results of new excavation sites, analyses on mummies, research of the findings from a Neolithic Dolmen and many many more. Find out more about the Annual Meeting in the report.

Group Picture of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2016
Group Picture of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2016
Group Picture of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2016


  • Anthropologie
  • Anthropologie, Primatologie
  • Archäologie